Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

I have owned an Alternophone since June 29th. I am totally satisfied by it. Regular use is very beneficial, I would even call it essential for us.
My husband, though he now has more intellectual work to perform, enjoys more clarity of thoughts and decision in his business.
Also, he has weak bowels since an operation. He now feels, every time he is using the device, a cold current that spreads little by little in his bowels and then goes up to his solar plexus. A sensation of well-being results and the sensation of heaviness he usually experiences disappears for the day.
Our son, who has been affected by depression for several months, has obtained a genuine improvement: he is more relaxed, more balanced and his memory has improved. After a session, he read a page in Italian without really paying attention. He noticed that he remembered it and that he could even recite it. We are absolutely surprised and enchanted by these results.
For my part, I have not only experienced a mental improvement (regardless of the worries caused by my son’s health) but I am also calm, balanced and I enjoy more physical strength.
As for me, the regular use of this device has been very beneficial. Within a month, I can say that my capacity for work has at least doubled, thanks to the profound relaxation I obtain after each session.
François L. S.
The Alternophone now has a predominant place in my daily studies. I passed an exam in the domain of transport. I have first started by studying with the phosphenes and obtained results straight away. Then, as a variation, I used the Alternophone and could notice that my capacity for reading a text, understanding it and focusing my attention on it had greatly improved. I stopped using the Alternophone for two or three weeks and felt that the quality of my work was diminishing. I thus resumed using it to complete my studies.
At the moment, it is mainly use it during periods of rest. Indeed, it helps me relaxing and recovering at an astonishing rate.
Pascal B.
I have now owned an Alternophone for a month. Thus, I contact you to tell you about the effects that the device has had on me.
In a constant manner, we have witnessed the obtention of greater relaxation than usual.
For studying, I have noticed that it was easier to read and understand a lesson after practicing a session with the Alternophone for 15 minutes. My memory has also improved.
On a social level, I am now much more at ease with others than before. Finally, on a moral level, on top of a greater optimism, I notice that it is easier to maintain a thought-goal in my mind, moreover, I can combat successfully any morbid thought.
Maurice C.
We have used the Alternophone for the last three weeks, and my whole family is very satisfied.
We all experience a greater clarity of mind and a very clear diminution of nervous tension. Our two sons, who did not always get along, have become best friends. For my part, I am less irritable; I have recovered normal sleep patterns when for months, I had been experiencing nightmares.
While I was revising my exams, I was sick. The mind is usually clouded in that state. Reflection is impaired. Using the Alternophone has allowed me to work with a clear mind for several hours in a row.
After the exams, I was only half-satisfied with my work. I though that the fatigue caused by my sickness had not allowed me to be at my full potential. When the results came, I was surprised to have obtained very good marks.
Another example. During another period of revision, in the month of May, when the sun shone abundantly, my friends came to visit me many times with the purpose of taking me away from my work. They were surprised to find me completely concentrated on it, as I refused to waste time, even during such nice weather.
Indeed, I have become able to work long hours without noticing it and, moreover, always in a productive manner. Usually, after an hour or two, reflection becomes less sharp. Thanks to the practice of the phosphenic exercises, work can be maintained for a much longer time and still remain productive.
What surprises me most, is that I usually find work tedious. I now do it with pleasure, quicker, while remaining concentrated on the subject. Before, I always used to lack concentration.
I draw much benefit from the phosphenic exercises, to such an extent that they seem to have given a new meaning to my life, a new direction. I feel as a chrysalis witnessing its own metamorphosis.
I can never thank Dr Lefebure enough for changing my life to a point that defies the imagination.
Pascal B. R.
In the domain of spirituality: I had been under the influence of the device for roughly half an hour, when I recited a prayer. I experienced a sensation that I had never felt before: I seemed outside of myself and outside of time. The prayer was rising lightly. I felt such a communication with God that I recited the prayer again to extend that state. In the domain of matter, I have found the solution to many difficulties. I am going to try to visualize spiritual and psychic fulfillments. Visualizing what one is trying to become can help, in these conditions, to obtain it. The Alternophone was set on a fast rate with music playing through it. I experienced, in the beginning, a sensation of light sleepiness during which I perceived myself climbing up a very broad and very high stairway, made of grey stone. I was also dressed in grey. That stairway was not connected to a building. Approximately half-way, the stairway changed into astral light, as I did too. I kept rising with a surprising feeling of lightness. The music had stopped. I could only hear the very fast beat of the Alternophone. I immediately felt a sensation of very, very fast rotation, that reminded me of the whirling dervishes.
I always talk about your Alternophone to the people around me. Sometimes, a person tries it and the results are very positive. For instance, a Doctor in Law, professor at the University of Caracas, graduated in Diplomacy, who has practiced Hatha Yoga for several years, came to experiment it with me and, after 15 minutes only, experienced the improvement of a state of anemia. The next day, he came to tell me that, during the night, he experienced a unique and involuntary phenomenon of astral projection. He felt such consciousness that he was surprised and even worried as, in spite of his studies, he did not know anything about astral projection. I had to reassure him.
Marcel C.
I bought the MP3 Alternative Hearing Brain Blossoms in October and started tinnitus mixing . I listened regularly to certain tracks (depending on what I wanted to improve in my personality) and I admit that it gives me more insurance and slef confidence. I am more relevant in my words and I feel more Zen. (I think this is just the start of my work with you.)
I had an extraordinary experience one afternoon when I put one of the Synchrophony tracks for my nap and I felt that I was leaving my body. Strangely enough, the higher I got, the more I felt a wind tickle me as if I was really in space without protection. Then the flight brought me towards a voice which called me (God ?) According to my observation, and I had a long discussion about life, then it showed me a kind of whirlpool.
Romain E.