Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

I notice that the quality of my sleep is excellent. I sleep very soundly and no longer wake up in the middle of the night.
Laurence M.
In my care, I perceive my patients’ thoughts before they even tell me about them.
Stéphane B. (Therapist)
From the first days I started lateral sways exercises, I regained the mental and physical energy of my 18 years old, whereas I am currently 44 years old. My girlfriend who often practices these exercises with me no longer has any back pain whereas, for the past three months, she has been going to the chiropractor to try to solve this problem in vain. Also, she felt drained of energy in the evenings. Since she started lateral sways exercises, she feels a usual fatigue at the end of the day but is no longer drained of energy as she used to be.
Romuald Z.
The course on the topic ” How to have good health ” was a real eye-opener. It’s unheard of, unheard of and I think that many, like me, have discovered an absolutely incredible technique … It’s amazing to note that, just as phosphene has gone unnoticed over the centuries … so are certain techniques, perhaps too powerful to be ” revealed ” to as many people as possible … Thank you Mr. Stiennon for this contribution that has just changed my LIFE.
Since my discovery of Phosphenism and my regular practice of the various exercises, my life has changed. I took insurance, I feel in my place, I feel guided. It developed my creativity, a power in teaching Qigong. When I receive an individual session for the CHI NEI TSANG massage which is the massage of the second brain, I make the person do phosphenes so that they project the energy of the phosphene on the organ concerned while mentally repeating at the rate of the second “energy nourishes, repairs and heals”. Thank you again for this immense teaching.
Thanks to the Alternophone , I regained confidence in myself and in life, with my sick husband for 3 years under very heavy treatment where medicine did not know if it would work. We conquered the disease and personally I managed to develop professionally.
As a professional therapist, I would like to comment on some of the results I obtained using Dr LEFEBURE’s method during the three years I used it with my patients. I hope that you will be able to share this information with other therapists to encourage the marvelous practice of Phosphenism with subtle educational and therapeutic applications. The last case I treated was that of a twelve year old child. His mother came to see me and asked me if there was anything that could be done for her son’s lack of self-esteem. Moreover, he was extremely introverted and reserved. During the past few months, nothing interested him and he had a total lack of interest in his studies.
The results at school were very bad, with notes of 2 or 3 out of 10. I started to work with him using phosphenes and reflexology. After only three sessions, his mother came to see me and said that her son had confessed to her that he’d had a bad experience at school with a woman teacher when he was younger. This experience had marked him very much and affected his emotions. His mother, saddened, asked me, ‟Why did he wait so long and tell me only now?” In the end, her son progressed at school, and that made her decide to buy the ABC of Phosphenic Mixing box set in order to practice at home every day. After two months of regular practice, her son’s grades improved with results of 5 to 9 out of 10. In addition, he had much greater self-esteem and was more sociable and happier.
Another spectacular case was that of a forty year old lady who had the habit of taking sleeping pills every night before she went to sleep for the past two years. Furthermore, she had a tendency to heavy depression, a disproportionate emotionalism and recurring personality deficiencies. As in the previous case, I combined the sessions, and this time I used Doctor Lefebure’s lamp and alternating hearing. Her recovery was progressive, and now at the end of almost a year of sessions (she bought the Alternophone), she is a different person. She has more confidence in herself, her face is joyful, she is more emotionally balanced, and she sleeps, as far as I know, without taking sleeping pills. This woman is one more among many others who thank the method of Dr Lefebure for having changed their lives.
Gema M. F. (Therapist, Spain)
One day, I came back home in a particularly low energetic state with negative thoughts, destructive emotions, rage, angst… I was unable to practice anything at all in that state. I lay down on my bed and I simply did phosphenes by focusing on a lamp for thirty seconds in periods of three minutes, and this during forty minutes altogether… Little by little, I fell asleep. During this exercise, I did not try to change anything, I simply observed the phosphenes. Result: I had a dream that night that was particularly intense. I dreamed that there were many snakes leaving my body, and the dream was so intense that I suddenly woke up, but without feeling any anxiety as one does with nightmares, for example. I fell back asleep very quickly and, in the morning, all the anguish of the previous day had disappeared.
Dear Mr. Stiennon, Recently, I had a very surprising and pleasant experience. On the night in question, when I went to bed I had a pain in my back. But I did my usual phosphenic practice anyway. During the night, I had a ‟visit” from Doctor Lefebure who placed his hand on my spine, moving it up and down several times. I felt a great heat and an immediate unbelievable feeling of well-being. The next day, the pain had vanished and I was in a state of complete well-being. Many THANKS.
Danielle D.
I would like to tell you about a result I judge to be very positive: this concerns an 8 month old baby who was not yet able to hold his head straight when he was brought to me for psychomotor physiotherapy. I advised his parents to have him do phosphenes using the Phosphenic Pocket Lamp. To my great surprise, during the following session (8 days later), I remarked that not only had he almost completely acquired the ability to hold his head straight, but reactions were also provoked in his chest! The parents told me that the baby wanted the lamp as soon as he woke up and also fell asleep with it! I now have added a psychomotor exercise and the baby is developing in most unexpected way! The Phosphenic effect is certain.
Marc G. (Physical Therapist)
Thanks to the method, I experience less intellectual fatigue and feel much more calm, after just 4 months of practice. My consciousness has been purified and I now experience less negative thoughts about others. If I do experience such thoughts, I can drive them away very quickly as I find them disturbing.
Marie-Rose M.
Following a stroke, I experienced problems with my vision. I regularly practice with the phosphenes, at least 30 minutes a day. After approximately six months of practice, I went through another ophthalmic check-up. The physician was dumbfounded as he realized that my problem had disappeared. He then told me that he believed that I could have become blind, a fact that was confirmed by another eye doctor.
Bernard B.
Twice, during the practice of sways, I have perceived bright yellow-green waves of movement in my visual chaos… I did not know what to think about it, but after a period of reflection, I believe it might be due to the elimination of the toxins in my brain (alcohol, tobacco).
Bertrand P.
After approximately one month of practice of static tensions and vertical head sways, my dreams have become more intense and I remember them better when I wake up. I have also quit drinking and smoking and persevere with much hope.
iOS (forum’s pseudo)
I have followed training courses in Phosphenism on several occasions and the certificate which attests to it signed by you, sits in my physiotherapist waiting room. I have a degree from the University of Louvain in physiotherapy and physical education. I am also Eutonist from the Gerda Alexander® School of Eutonia in Copenhagen. So I practiced these three trades with, among other things, the phosphenic techniques that you taught me.
I would like to point out some remarkable results obtained :
– Two hemiplegics clearly increased their psychomotor skills until they obtained much more autonomy.
– I helped a colleague out of a coma.
– I took care of top athletes : one of them obtained a silver medal at the European athletics championship, another Belgian champion in javelin, another was world champion in endurance motorcycle and vice champion in speed. – Recently, two twins, after a year of training with me, obtained a bronze medal at the world athletics championship in August 2011.
– In October 2011, my student Sébastien D., after trained intensively, left Brussels to tour Asia by bike.
These are the most remarkable results, but in the practice of my three professions I have obtained them regularly (for example in a large Brussels college where I was a teacher, I helped many students to succeed in their studies thanks to to phosphenic mixing in pedagogy). I am proud of these concrete results objectified by chronos or medical check-ups, on the other hand the phosphenic mixing has greatly » amplified » the different practices taught. Sometimes only the phosphenic mixing was enough.
Yves P. (Belgium)
Since I have been working with Phosphenism, my ideas are clearer and I perceive information that I did not perceive before. My extrasensory faculties have amplified, my capacity for concentration has greatly increased as well as my telepathy. I am a therapist and I sometimes practice healing at a distance. One of my patients told me that her situation had improved before I even did the healing session, only by thinking about her. Thanks to Daniel for his teachings.
Yannick V.